【同义词辨析】 2019-08-19 伤残maim-mangle

maim: implies the loss or injury of a limb or member usually by violence: a swimmer ~ed by a shark.  injure伤害受伤是基础词,表示任何施加伤害的行为implies the inflicting of anything detrimental to one's looks, comfort, health, or success,如an accident that injured him physically and emotionally那次事故对他造成了身体上的伤害和心理的伤害。在2017-08-15 伤害injure-mar组中,damage主要针对用处价值usefulness and value,如damage a table,impair针对身体健康完整completeness and efficiency by deterioration or diminution,如smoking will impair one's health,见20170815) limb肢体,指腿或胳膊refers to a leg or arm。member也是肢体,特别是胳膊或腿a part of the body, especially an arm or a leg,member较委婉。   这个词可以这么记, maim有2个m,解释中的两个关键词limb和member也各有m。和下词cripple区别  

cripple: implies the loss or severe impairment of an arm or a leg: the fall ~d her for life.

mutilate: implies the cutting off or removal of an essential part of a person or thing thereby impairing its completeness, beauty, or function: a poignant drama ~ by inept acting.

batter: implies a pounding with series of blows that bruises deeply, deforms, or mutilates: a ship ~ed by fierce storms at sea.  (pound连续重击to hit something hard many times,如the seeds were pounded to a fine powder子粒被捣成了细粉,如someone was pounding at the door有人在砰砰地敲门,如she pounded him with her fists她用拳头一个劲地擂他)

mangle: implies a tearing or crushing that leaves deep extensive wounds or lacerations: thousands are ~ every year by auto accidents. bruise瘀伤purple mark紫色的一块皮肤 laceration撕伤割伤

maim伤残: 指损失损伤肢体,因暴力,cripple残疾: 指损失损坏胳膊大腿mutilate使残缺残废: 指砍去移除重要部分,使不再完整美观功能完善,batter猛击: 指连续重击,致瘀伤畸形残缺,mangle撕伤轧伤: 由于撕扯压碾,导致严重伤口撕伤割伤

记忆方法: 1)首字母MCMBM中CB想成残暴MMM想成三人<==伤残

         2)伤残的意思是严重损害造成持久损伤mean to injure so severely as to cause lasting damage.